Traditionaly Chinese inscription reading on the charms is from top to bottom (tb), from right to left (rl). Some of the charms illistrated here are modern imitations or copies of old charms. They are still interesting though as they provide links with the history and culture of China. Charms have been classified by major groups as follows: 1-2 3-4 4-6 6-7 8 9-10 11-18 19 20 21-38 39-45 |
[M] Edgar J.Mandel. Metal Charms
and Amulets of China.
[R] A.A.Remmelts. Chinese Charms
and Amulets. Amsterdam, 1968.
[S] Fredrik Schjoth. Chinese
currency. Oslo, 1929
[L] J.H.Stewart Lockhart. The
Stewart Lockhart Collection of Chinese Copper Coins.
Hongkong-Singapore-Yokohama, 1915
[MK] Edgar J.Mandel. Trial listing.
Korean Charms and Amulets. 1968
[LI] Li Zuding. Chinese Traditional
Auspicious patterns. Shanghai 1994